Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Graduant from England..??! You sure..??!

A situation when a group of students were talking to a lecturer from TARC on some issues.. This happened a few months back when i was in my 1st semester..

Ms. T : Why are these books here on the floor? Where is the course representative?

Student Z : Errr.. Today the course rep. isn't here, and we don't really know whose books are they..

Ms. T : Owh.. Then you should take it to the office to let them keep it 1st..

Student Z : Yes, i will bring it downstairs now..

*A student runs towards the lecturer..

Student F : Ermmm, Ms. T.. These are our books, we forgot to take it when we left just now..

Ms. T : *shouts* Ehhhh!! Z!! The books are THEM WAN!!! Bring it back!!

Student B : *scoff scoff* Errr.. Ms. T.. These books are THEIRS is it?

Ms. T : *with an embarrassed look* Yea yea, it is theirs..

Student B : *laughing behind with a few pals* What the f...??

Let me wrap this up for you..:

~ My wan - Mine..

~ His wan - His..

~ Her wan - Hers..

~ THEM WAN - Theirs..!

Well, as you can see.. Lecturers who are graduated from England isn't always so good in English.. All i can say is, buck up your English before teaching us! Or you will be a big freaking laughing stock to us students!

*take some English lessons at least! Or just stop teaching us in English if u ain't that good at it!*

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